Latest Conditions at Amistad Lake

You don’t become a scuba diver without education. But it doesn’t stop once you get certified. Although we do encourage advancing your certification to that you have the tools you need to expand your dive adventures, it’s not just about the formal training. The more you dive, the more you learn about yourself. You discover things about your dive profile, the equipment you prefer, the places you like and even things you never realized before about your body. The equipment you first buy as a new diver often give way to new equipment that you come to discover gives you a much more pleasant dive experience or better matches the type of diving and locations you prefer. You also learn more about the underwater environment you dive in. It’s one thing to read about how sharks or turtles or eels behave, but it’s quite another to actually be there and observe first-hand. While certainly not as much of a thrill-seeking adventures as diving some tropical reef system, diving in fresh water lakes can also provide you hours of ad hoc learning. We encourage divers to dive often, dive different locations, and absorb as much as possible in the process. Your learning and awareness can not only help the underwater ecosystem, but it inevitably gives you great stories to share!
It would almost be impossible to disconnect adventure from scuba diving. The same diver never makes the same dive twice. This means that you change with every experience, and the spot you dive will be different every time you dive. The awesome thing about being immersed in a living environment is that it changes from day to day, season to season, and it interacts with you differently, too. PADI teaches about the Three E’s: Education, Equipment and Experience. It’s a continuous cycle incrementally expands your options as a diver, which translates into even more amazing adventures! Diving in a creek or river is wildly different from diving in a lake or abandoned missile silo or a Caribbean island. We encourage people not to limit themselves to only one place to dive, one kind of diving. Diving gorgeous coral reefs presents one kind of experience. Diving on underwater wrecks presents and entirely different one. And both become something completely new during a night dive! Your adventures are limited only by your imagination, education and experience!
Recreational SCUBA Diving is all about having FUN! Not just underwater, but during our “surface intervals”, too! Getting together and sharing food, refreshment and stories add another dimension to the camaraderie of divers and non-divers alike. Whether we’re at a meeting, supporting local cleanup events with the city, career day events with the schools, group dives or just a simple party, the focus is always on weaving fun throughout. Ultimately, diving is what we do, and we try to encourage as many as we can to become active in the dive community. Although almost anyone can dive, diving isn’t for everyone. The beauty of the dive community is that you don’t necessarily have to be a diver to be a part. Including people who can help provide shore support is important, too — and often something divers simply can’t do without. There’s enough fun to go around!